Humans and human made computers,,,

God made computers can be defined as Human beings and human made electric device can be called as electric computers.

If we think deeply will be able to know how many similarities we do have and mix and match available among components.


The human computers invented by supreme power is not the new invention. It was before he created the world. His systems are forever. No change and no upgrade required for his creativity. we can add millions of points which we think have similarity but truth is there is no match in universe with which we can compare his creativity.

We do not have words to explain how perfect he is, was and will. we are away from him is the only reason, we are imperfect. He is the only perfect and will be forever. There is no match for his creation and it seems how valuable is his nature. The power supply for his nature is only Love.

The answer for any question can be only “LOVE“. The love he has for us. the love for which he has created everything for us. The love due to which he is omnipresent. not at all separated from all of us.

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Writing is my passion and it calm down my mind and create peace of mind for me. i like peace and like to achieve further level of different peace.