Feel Proud to celebrate Mother’s Day,, 2019


A baby who is born because of mother. A baby who came and lighten your house. She became daughter and sister. further she improved her designation with responsibilities and become wife and again a cycle completed and become mother. mother become grandmother and that mother associated with so many other names like nani, etc

Relation of mother is the most common relation with everyone because we can not come to this world without mother. It vary for how long do we have time to spend with mother will be decided by destiny. What is the importance of this relation and how this relation being originated?

Two days before the mothers day i came to know how difficult is for any mother to give birth to her child? A beautiful princess got birth and came home. To become mother is the worst pain ever i have seen in thirty years of my life. the relation to whom we give least value i.e MOM which is always for granted. the relation we disobey is with mother only.

In fact, the relation on which we frustrate the most is the most typical relation and even saints use the example of this relation as the most lovable and giving relation in this selfish world. Need to add value for the person who has special spot in your world.

The unbearable pain which has been bared by mother can never be in words. It is beyond all imaginations especially for men. How beautiful relations are with mothers, grandmothers , sister, aunties, daughters etc. what should be the level of respect they actually honor? I don’t have words. How can anybody in the world can even think about rapes, female foeticide, killing for dowry, inequalities and all other social evils.

The Great gift to everyone in this world is Mother because she is the creation of this world. Respect and love them as much as we can. This is the only way to convey thanks to God for giving this beautiful life supporting Power. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY



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Writing is my passion and it calm down my mind and create peace of mind for me. i like peace and like to achieve further level of different peace.